Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Pros to Failing

In the article "Why Parents Need to Let Their Children Fail", the author, a teacher, has some very strong views regarding parenting and failure. She believes that many parents are too kind and lenient towards their children and hold them back by not letting them fail and that failure is what really brings the growth and best out of people. She says when a parent is too overprotective they raise their children in a state of powerlessness and helplessness. This leaves them grossly unprepared to living on their own and becoming adults because they have no one to protect them and instruct them on what to do. I believe that this is true. I have personally seen some people whose parents handle all of their problems for them and it really holds them back. She also believes that letting them fail is for their own good. I also agree with this. You learn through failure. How can you grow without it? I believe that it is personally reasonable to give students an F for work that their parents do or that they plagiarize because it teaches them that they need to take responsibility for their own work. If nobody teaches them this lesson in school, then they may learn it at a worse time. Getting an F on a paper is much better than being kicked out of college due to plagiarizing or fired due to not completing a task.

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